Who is criminal? The secret of clinical thinking for cardiovascular
「犯人は誰か?循環器臨床の推理の極意 the great debaes from CADET」
by Shun Kouzaka
This book is made from circulation seminars of CADET (CArDiovascular Education Team), young Japanese educational cardiovascular doctors.
In the book, through the clinical situation, medical student, resident, and CADET staff discussed how they think. In the almost all clinical situation, there is no strong evidence how doctor must do. We deal with ambiguous and uncertain matter. Every clinician show humility for clinical issue.
For me, the following matters are new. BNP is useful to exclude CHF. There is no evidence that low dose dopamine is benefit for renal function.
Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to attend to these seminars. I have a schedule for the date of next meeting.