The following content is my summary of GIM and cardiology Journal in this week.
I just picked up article from medical journal which is interesting and important for me.
Please be careful to use for clinical decision making.
You know, medical knowledge change rapidly. Therefore, when you want to use these medical knowledge for real clinical situation, it is your responsibility and adjust for your particular condition.
You know, medical knowledge change rapidly. Therefore, when you want to use these medical knowledge for real clinical situation, it is your responsibility and adjust for your particular condition.
【NEJM original】4CMenB vaccine接種後、hSBAが33.9%で認めなかったが、髄膜炎菌感染症をきたす生徒はいなかった
Immunogenicity of a Meningococcal B Vaccine during a University Outbreak
N Engl J Med 2016; 375:220-228
【NEJM original】インディアナ州で2014-2015年にかけて新規HIV感染について解析、Extended-release oxymorphoneの違法静注が87%の感染源となっており、HCV共感染症が92%
HIV Infection Linked to Injection Use of Oxymorphone in Indiana, 2014–2015
N Engl J Med 2016; 375:229-239
【NEJM review】
Medical Considerations before International Travel
N Engl J Med 2016;375:247-60.
【NEJM image】20%のCVIDが結節性リンパ節過形成を認め、消化管ポリポーシスに類似している
Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia
N Engl J Med 2016; 375:e3
【Gastroenterology original】毎年の便潜血と10年毎の下部消化管内視鏡検査はmulti-target DNA testを3年毎に行うより、高価高く、費用対効果高い
A.Comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multi-target stool DNA test to screen for colorectal neoplasia. Gastroenterology 2016 Jun 13
【Lancet review】
JAMA. 2016;316(3):325-337
【BMJ practice】婦人科疾患について学ぶのは初期以来で大変勉強になりました!
Pelvic organ prolapse
BMJ 2016;354:i3853
【Am J Med original】 低ナトリウム血症のmeta analysis、平均3.3日入院期間が延長、特に男性、高齢は入院期間が延長しやすい傾向にあり、再入院リスクが上昇(odds ratio 1.32)
The Economic Burden of Hyponatremia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Am J Med August 2016Volume 129, Issue 8, Pages 823–835.e4
【Am J Med original】2003年から6年間、CHFで入院した患者の低ナトリウム血症の有無で後方視的検討、30日間の再入院率と死亡率は、低ナトリウム血症があるとOR 1.45にて上昇
→CHF +低ナトリウム血症があるくらい状態が悪い群とCHF群での比較のため、理論的にも矛盾しないか
Impact of Hyponatremia Correction on the Risk for 30-Day Readmission and Death in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
Am J Med August 2016Volume 129, Issue 8, Pages 836–842
【Am J Med original】2012年時点で心房細動の診断のない50歳以上にて、CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc Scoresが3年間の新規心房細動発症予測に役立つ。1点上昇する毎にHR 1.56上昇する。
Usefulness of CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc Scores in the Prediction of New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation: A Population-Based Study
Am J Med August 2016Volume 129, Issue 8, Pages 843–849
【Am J Med original】D-Dimer > 500μg/L群において、年齢×10μg/Lをcut offとするage-adjusted D-dimer 群でもNPV 99.5%でPEを除外できる
Age-Adjusted Cutoff D-Dimer Level to Rule Out Acute Pulmonary Embolism: A Validation Cohort Study
Am J Med August 2016Volume 129, Issue 8, Pages 872–878
Percutaneous Intervention for Myocardial Infarction After Noncardiac Surgery : Patient Characteristics and Outcomes
JACC Volume 68, Issue 4, 26 July 2016, Pages 329–338
【Circulation】左胸部小切開にて自己拡張型のpolytetrafluoroethylene knot implantation device (Harpoon TSD-5)をTEE-guided beating heart MV repairにて11名の重症僧帽弁逆流症に施行、100%成功し、術後1ヶ月では、EDV 139→107mlに、LAV 118→85mlに改善
Transapical Beating-Heart Mitral Valve Repair With an Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Cordal Implantation Device
Circulation July 19, 2016, Volume 134, Issue 3