
Treatment of Patients with Cirrhosis from NEJM review article

以下先週のNEJM review articleのまとめです。

N Engl J Med 2016;375:767-77.

irreversible fibrosis of liver

8th leading cause of death in US
13th leading cause of death in world


10 yrs probability of compensated cirrhosis
47%  ascites
28% hepatic encephalopathy
25% GIB

5% annual HCC incidence

Food management
1-1.5g/kg daily protein intake is recommended even in Hx of hepatic encephalopathy
late evening meals
2000mg limit in daily NaCl → treatment for ascites

hypertension may be improved during cirrhosis advanced
・BB is indicated for moderate-large esophageal varices 
stop BB when sBP < 90mmHg, s-Na < 120 mmol/l, AKI, refractory ascites, hypotension, hepatorenal syndrome, SBP, sepsis, severe alcoholic hepatitis develops (end-stage cirrhosis remain controversial)
・midodrine may improve hemodynamic variables
combination midodrine + octreotide for type 1 hepatorenal syndrome
acetaminophen daily max dose 4g, but many hematologists limits 2g daily
・PPI no needed without any documented indication
・sedation lorazepam(ワイパックス®、ジェネリック) and oxazepam(日本販売中止) are preferred
hydroxyzine 25mg/vds(アタラックス®) may be alternative
・statin safe, only 22 cases of drug-induced liver injury
・tolvaptan, vaptan not recommended
・baclofen for suppression of alcohol cravings

MELD score to predict 30 days post-operative mortality
MELD > 14 associated death with abdominal surgery than Child-Pugh C
MELD +1 +1% mortality among MELD < 20
MELD +1 +2% mortality  among MELD > 20

diuretic-sensitive ascites → 5L removal is enough to reduce intraabdominal pressure

Endoscopic band ligation
preferred for medium-large esophageal varices

abdominal US or CT every 6mon
serum AFP follow may be improve effectiveness of surveillance for HCC
ABx prophylaxis (ST or CPFX) for Hx of SBP or hospitalization with ascites protein < 1.5g/dl

compensated cirrhosis 4.7 times risk of death compare to general population
average life expectancy of compensated cirrhosis 10-13 yrs
average life expectancy of decompensated cirrhosis  2 yrs
delayed paracentesis associated with 2.7 times risk of death

65% death in 3 yrs for stopping EtOH with alcoholic cirrhosis

100% death in 3 yrs for non-stopping EtOH with alcoholic cirrhosis

August 2016 Journal watch for GIM & Cardiology ④

The following content is my summary of GIM and cardiology Journal in this week.
I just picked up article from medical journals which are interesting and important for me.
Please be careful to use for clinical decision making.
You know, medical knowledge change rapidly. Therefore, when you want to use these medical knowledge for real clinical situation, it is your responsibility and adjust for your particular condition.

【NEJM original】
A Randomized Trial of Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor
N Engl J Med 2016; 375:730-739

【Lancet original】10,625,411名、4カ国の体重と全死亡率の関連、BMI 18.5-20でHR 1.13、BMI 25-27.5でHR 1.07、BMI 30-35でHR 1.45、BMI 35-40でHR 1.94、BMI 40-60でHR 2.76
Body-mass index and all-cause mortality: individual-participant-data meta-analysis of 239 prospective studies in four continents
Lancet Volume 388, No. 10046, p776–786, 20 August 2016

【JAMA clinical trials update】内科、家庭医、老年医のチームの方が、うつ病スクリーニング、糖尿病ケアバンドル、セルフケアプラン、降圧が改善、急変時対応の確認は差なし
Association of Integrated Team-Based Care With Health Care Quality, Utilization, and Cost
JAMA. 2016;316(8):826-834

【BMJ】ヨーロッパ4カ国のデータベースを後方視的に検討、ピオグリタゾン内服中の2型糖尿病56337名とピオグリタゾン非使用群を2.9年フォローし比較、HR 0.99→関連はっきりせず
Pioglitazone use and risk of bladder cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes: retrospective cohort study using datasets from four European countries
BMJ 2016;354:i3903

Mayo Clin Proc】204名の血小板10万以下(肝疾患、自己免疫、血液疾患)に対してPCI施行、入院中の出血・死亡率はコントロール群と有意差なしだが、血小板輸血や濃厚赤血球輸血は多かった(12.3% vs 7.2%)。5年間の長期フォローでは出血リスクが血小板減少群で高く(7.9% vs 3.6%)、心疾患関連死亡率は有意差ないが、非心疾患関連死亡率は高い(28% vs 21%)。
Effect of Preprocedural Thrombocytopenia on Prognosis After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Mayo Clin Proc August 2016Volume 91, Issue 8, Pages 1035–1044

【JACC original】67161名の新規心不全の後方視的検討にて、初回入院にて17.5%のみ虚血性心疾患の評価、90日以内に27.4%のみが評価がされていた。
Underutilization of Coronary Artery Disease Testing Among Patients Hospitalized With New-Onset Heart Failure
JACC August 02, 2016,68(5):450-458

【JACC review】50-59歳の10%以上の10年間心血管リスク群は低用量アスピリンが推奨されている。chemopreventive effectについてのレビュー。
Aspirin and cancer
JACC Volume 68, Issue 9, 30 August 2016, Pages 967–976

【JAMA Dermal original】乾癬有すると2型糖尿病と同様の冠動脈石灰化のリスクあり
Comparison of Coronary Artery Calcium Scores Between Patients With Psoriasis and Type 2 Diabetes
JAMA Dermatol. Published online August 24, 2016

【JAMA Dermal clinical evidence synopsis】母体のステロイド外用にて出産、児の奇形、早産、胎児死亡、アプガースコア低値との関連ははっきりしない、ただし、ステロイド外用の蓄積で低体重児と関連する可能性はあり
Safety of Topical Corticosteroids in Pregnancy
JAMA Dermatol. 2016;152(8):934-935

【chest original】30%のCOPD急性増悪は原因がはっきりしないと言われており、22文献、7研究をレビュー。原因不明のCOPD急性増悪の16%に肺塞栓があった。
Prevalence and Localization of Pulmonary Embolism in Unexplained Acute Exacerbations of COPD: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Chest. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.chest.2016.07.034

【J Trauma Acute Care Surg】重症の外傷性ARDS(P/F <100)に対して15名のECMO早期導入群と保存的治療群で後方視的に比較、在院数・ICU滞在日数・人工呼吸器フリー日数は有意差なし。死亡率は前者の方が低かった(13.3 % vs 64%)
Early initiation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation improves survival in adult trauma patients with severe adult respiratory distress syndrome

Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery: August 2016 - Volume 81 - Issue 2 - p 236–243