
May 2018 Medical Journal watch for GIM ④


【BMJ original】★中等度〜重度の有酸素運動をしても認知機能低下にはつながらず。中等度以上の有酸素運動群325名と通常群の165名をランダム化試験、1年後の認知機能低下を比較するも有意差なし。
Dementia And Physical Activity (DAPA) trial of moderate to high intensity exercise training for people with dementia: randomised controlled trial
BMJ 2018; 361 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k1675

【Neurology original】★video-EEGをチルト試験で用いると失神と強直間代けいれんを区別できるか。”Italinan protocol”を用いて体位変換しつつvideo-EEGで記録し、65例の失神と50例の強直間代けいれんにて比較し、ぴくつき(jerks)が10回以下なら失神、20回以上なら強直間代けいれんであった。
Neurology Issue: Volume 90(15), 10 April 2018, p e1339–e1346
Differentiating motor phenomena in tilt-induced syncope and convulsive seizures

【EHJ review】★虚血性脳梗塞後の心原性の精査についてのレビュー。FIgure 3がまとまってました。ラクナ梗塞でなく、頭蓋内外の粥腫性変化がなく、他の原因がはっきりしない時は心原性の精査(心電図モニター、経胸壁心臓超音波)を行う。塞栓源がはっきりしなければ、30日間の長めのモニターを行う。PFO閉鎖を考慮するなら、追加の画像検査(経食、contrast TTE)を行う。
Cardiac diagnostic work-up of ischaemic stroke
European Heart Journal (2018) 39, 1851–1860


Carcinoid tumors, neuroendocrine tumors, カルチノイド, 神経内分泌腫瘍


・Am Fam Physician 2006;74:429-34.
・CMAJ 2017 March 13;189:E398-404
・Am J Med May 2017Volume 130, Issue 5, Pages e177–e180


slow-growing neuroendocrine neoplasms
often indolent

1-2 /100,000 from Am Fam Physician
2.48-5.86/100,000 from CAMJ

forgot carcinoid tumors in lungs, bronchi or stomach
midgut carcinoid tumors in small intestine, appendix, or proximal large bowel
hindgut carcinoid tumors in distal colon or rectum

most common site: appendix, followed by rectum, ileum, lungs, bronchi, stomach
GI tract 48%, lung 25%, pancreas 9%

Carcinoid syndrome: 10% with carcinoid tumors, often associated with midgut tumors
vasoactive substance: 5-HT (serotonin), prostaglandins, histamine, bradykinin, fibroblast-proliferative properties (tachykinins: substance P, neurokinin A, neuropeptide K)

Differential Diagnosis of Carcinoid Syndrome
・ Flushing
Menopausal syndrome; pheochromocytoma; mastocytosis; benign cutaneous flushing; medullary carcinomas of the thyroid; ingestants (e.g., food, drugs)
Asthma; anaphylaxis; pulmonary edema; bronchial foreign body
Gastroenteritis; inflammatory bowel disease; infectious colitis; laxative abuse
・Heart valve symptoms
Rheumatic heart disease; subacute bacterial endocarditis; dilated cardiomyopathy; ischemic heart disease with papillary muscle dysfunction

with vasoactive symptoms, measuring urine 5-HIAA in 24hr sample (sensitivity 35-73%) & serum chromogranin A(glycoprotein secreted by neuroendocrine tumors, sensitivity 80% (53-91%), specificity 95% (< 50% from CMAJ), false positive rate 40% with MM, false elevations in PPI, renal insufficiency, adenocarcinomas, severe arterial hypertension)
with bowel dys-motility, CT and MRI

serum serotonin

urine 5-HIAA
24hr sample
lack sensitivity and specificity; may not be elevated in atypical carcinoids, can elevated other condition (tropical sprue, celiac disease, Whipple Dx, small bowel obstruction, serotonin rich food, certain medications

111In-labelled pentetreotide somatostatin receptor scintigraphic imaging
a sensitivity of 46%–100% for abdominal NETs, 46%–83% for pancreatic NETs and 71% for bronchial NETs

endoscopic imaging
pancreatic NETs: sensitivity 82-93%
particularly useful for identifying < 2cm and localization of insulinoma

Carcinoid tumor
incidental finding of metastatic low-grade carcinoid tumor wit asymptomatic and hormonally non-functional → observation & repeat imaging several times each year to determine whether progress or not (from MKSAP 17)
Surgical resection if possible:
Hepatic metastases dominant: long-acting somatostatin analogues (octerotide)for positive radio labeled octerotide scan & low-grade; hepatic artery embolization or ligation with or without interferon, with or without chemotherapy
Systemic spread: chemotherapy (platinum-based chemotherapy for high-grade) or interferon or long-acting somatostatin analogues

Carcinoid syndrome
Systematic progression through treatment options:
Valvular Heart disease: diuretics, long-acting somatostatin analogues, occasional valvular replacement
Flushing: avoid precipitating food and alcohol; 5-HT3-receptor antagonist; long-acting somatostatinanalogues; interferon; hepatic artery embolization or ligation with or without interferon, with or without chemotherapy
Diarrhea: antidiarrheal agents; 5-HT3-receptor antagonist; long-acting somatostatin analogues; interferon; hepatic artery embolization or ligation with or without interferon, with or without chemotherapy
Wheezing: selective bronchodilators; long-acting somatostatin analogues; interferon; hepatic artery embolization or ligation with or without interferon, with or without chemotherapy

Carcinoid crisis
acute life-threatening go carcinoid syndrome
profound flushing, bronchospasm, rapidly fluctuating BP

metastatic liver disease arising from a small bowel carcinoid tumor → uniformly poor
median survival with grade 1 124 mon
median survival with grade 2 64 mon
median survival with grade 3 10 mon


Treatment of Entercoccus Infectious Endocarditis 腸球菌の感染性心内膜炎の治療

初めてChallenges in Infective Endocarditis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017;69:325–44を読んで
GM耐性のEnterococcus IEに対してABPC+CTRXをみたときは衝撃でした。。

以下Infective Endocarditis in Adults: Diagnosis, Antimicrobial Therapy, and Management of Complications
Circulation. 2015;132:00-00より

97%はEntercoccus faecalis

Enterococcus faecalis Infectious endocarditisの
基本ABPC + GMだが
基本combination therapyだが
単剤治療のレジュメは高度耐性時にLNZ or DAPTのみ、ただし治療期間は6週以上
アミノグリコシド高度耐性ならABPC +CTRX(!、これは最初見た時は衝撃でした。)

アミノグリコシド高度耐性Enterococcus faecalis(MIC > 500mg/l)には
アンピシリンとセフトリアキソン併用(class IB、Clinical Infectious Diseases 2013;56(9):1261–8)ただし、両剤で6週

βラクタム耐性をもつペニシリン結合蛋白を阻害するシナジー効果があるとのこと(European Heart Journal (2009) 30, 2369–2413)



May 2018 Medical Journal watch for GIM③

【BMJ original】★痛みを伴う腰椎圧迫骨折に対して腰椎再建術とプラセボ術で1ヶ月後と1年後の痛みは有意差なし。
Vertebroplasty versus sham procedure for painful acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (VERTOS IV): randomised sham controlled clinical trial
BMJ 2018; 361 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k1551

【JACC original】★アントラサイクリン系の化学療法において、BB(カルベジロール)による心毒性予防について。初期のLVEFの低下やBNPに関しては有意差ないが、トロポニンの上昇を抑制、拡張不全には効果あり。
Carvedilol for Prevention of Chemotherapy-Related Cardiotoxicity: The CECCY Trial
JACC Volume 71, Issue 20, 22 May 2018, Pages 2281-2290

【BMJ practice】★顔面痛について。ポイントは
Visual summaryが顔面痛の分布毎の鑑別が載っている。
Orofacial pain
BMJ 2018; 361 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k1517


May 2018 Medical Journal watch for GIM②

【JAMA original】★飲水励行指導してもCKDの1年後の進行はかわらず。
Effect of Coaching to Increase Water Intake on Kidney Function Decline in Adults With Chronic Kidney Disease
JAMA. 2018;319(18):1870-1879

【Circulation original】★安定狭心症に対して低用量ピタバスタチン(1mg/d)より高用量ピタバスタチン(4mg/d)の方が、心血管死や心筋梗塞や脳卒中や緊急入院要する不安定狭心症が減少する
High-Dose Versus Low-Dose Pitavastatin in Japanese Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease (REAL-CAD)

【EHJ original】★PFOに対してシャント大きければ塞いだ方がよくないか?大きなシャントでは、PFO closureの方が薬物群よりも脳梗塞リスクをより下げる(HR 0.33)。小さなシャントではHR 0.9
→1990年にPFO closureが出て、closure群と内服群で差がなく、ルーチンでの閉鎖はガイドラインでも推奨されなくなっていましたが、今後はシャントが大きいなどの限られた群では閉鎖が推奨される流れになるかもしれません
Patent foramen ovale closure vs. medical therapy for cryptogenic stroke: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
European Heart Journal, Volume 39, Issue 18, 7 May 2018, Pages 1638–1649

【Circulation review】★肝疾患に対する心房細動や深部静脈血栓症の抗凝固治療による予防について。多くの研究では肝疾患は除外されている。ルーチンでは勧められず、個別化して、Child-Pugh AならNOAC可、Bなら注意して、Cなら使用しない、全てでワーファリンはINR 2-3目標で使用可能。
J Am Coll Cardiol 2018;71:2162–75


"Let's talk about the brain lecture"

"Let's talk about the brain lecture"

I watched it during my research task.
I followed the podcast of medical grand round in University of Arizona.
Some content was too basic medicine for us, clinician, but almost all contents were intersting and scientific for me.

In this omnibus lecture, Dr lecuture us the mechanism of chronic pain.
In chronic pain, migraine and fibromyalgia, brain inflammation was increased.
Cognitive therapy is one of important therapies.
In this lecture, opioid abuse was also mentioned.

Medication, especially opioid, fentanyl was important epidemic in US.
Hospital ranking would make a role to opioid epidemic.
In these complex mechanism, we needs to colaborate other staff; nurse, counseler, and family member.

Anyway people who was interesting these things, please check it.
Have a good GW in Japan.


Clinical Reasoning in Neurology

Neurology® 2018;90:572-575.

atypical presentation in uncommon diseaseの症例で、とても勉強になりました。

Essential tremor
SWEDD Scans without evidence of dopaminergic deficit
DLB: dementia with Lewy bodies
MSA-P multiple system atrophy type P
CBD Corticobasal degeneration
PSP Progressive supra-nuclear palsy
IBGC idiopathic basal ganglia calcification 
Perry syndrome: DCTN1

Prion-related encephalopathies: rapid progression, worsening, mood changes, cognitive decline

N Engl J Med 2018;378:840-51.


Today, I read an article of clinical reasoning in neurology. (Neurology® 2018;90:572-575)

From this article, my clinical pearl was "When you find Parkinsonism, perform not only imaging study, but also lumbar puncture."
This case was atypical presentation in uncommon disease, and very educational one for me.
This was 3-star for my evaluation.

The following list was differential diagnosis for Parkinsonism except Parkinson disease;
Essential tremor
SWEDD Scans without evidence of dopaminergic deficit
DLB: dementia with Lewy bodies
MSA-P multiple system atrophy type P
CBD Corticobasal degeneration
PSP Progressive supra-nuclear palsy
IBGC idiopathic basal ganglia calcification 
Perry syndrome: DCTN1

Prion-related encephalopathies: rapid progression, worsening, mood changes, cognitive decline

In Autoimmun encephalitis, anti-NMDA receptor antibody was main one previously. Recently other antibodies were found. I expect for the result of new study in these new antibodies.
The following NEJM review article was one of excellent one for autoimmune encephalitis; N Engl J Med 2018;378:840-51.
According to this article, LGI-1 and DPPX were sometimes double negative in imaging and lumbar puncture. In this case, the timing to evaluate autoimmune antibodies was really difficult for the clinician.

Anyway, this case was really interesting and educational, please check it!


May 2018 Journal watch for GIM

最近のマイブームはclinical reasoning in neurologyです。

【NEJM original】★COPDに対する1日1回triple therapy (steroid + LAMA + LABA)について。従来治療のsteroid-LABAやLAMA-LABAの治療に比べ、中等度や重度の増悪は低下(0.91/yr vs 1.07/yr, 1.21/yr)、増悪による入院も低下(0.13 vs 0.19)した。
Once-Daily Single-Inhaler Triple versus Dual Therapy in Patients with COPD
N Engl J Med 2018; 378:1671-1680

【Mayo Clin Proc brief report】★DAPT中の腰椎穿刺について。後方視的に100例を検討し、2例は腰痛を自覚し、うち1例は最終的に腰椎穿刺によるものと結論付けられた。画像検査や入院を要する重篤な事象は認めなかった。> 100 RBC/μLをtraumatic LPとしたが、8%に認めた。 > 1000 RBC/μLをbloody LPとしたが、4%に認めた。
Safety of Lumbar Puncture Performed on Dual Antiplatelet Therapy
May 2018Volume 93, Issue 5, Pages 627–629

【Neurology clinical reasoning】★RCVSとPACNSの鑑別について。前者は支持的治療だが、後者は免疫抑制剤使用するため、治療が異なる。また、前者にPSL使用すると増悪するため鑑別が重要。前者では、薬や妊娠が誘因となり、後者では発熱や炎症反応上昇することが鑑別のポイントになりえるが、最終的にはPACNSの診断のゴールドスタンダードである脳生検まで行わないと難しい例もあり。鑑別のポイントついて、本文参照に作成したものです。
Neurology® 2018;90:e1267-e1270.