Today, I followed my patient.
Today's luncheon seminar is about "ICU consult."
In the middle of luncheon seminar, we were called to outpatient consult.
The patient was suspected gout. She had typical tophi.
Tophus is a deposit of crystalline urine acid and other substances at surface of joints or skin or cartilage, typically as a feature of gout.
After that, our chief resident lectured Gram negative bacteria.
I couldn't understand well about Gram negative rod, therefore, her lecture is very useful for me.
She showed us so much variety of agar. I smelled all of them, to learn what colony is what smell.
From today, I started to read one chapter in Guyton's medical physiology every day.
In addition to that, this is my first time to read 'Mandell.' That book is most famous Infectious Diseases textbook in the world.
I tried to watch John's Hopkins Infectious Diseases Grand Round on Web. Previously I could understand only half of it. However, today I could listen almost all of the content. This was because I got 'English shower.'
I didn't know that there are relation between Sir William Osler and McGill University.
According to Wikipedia,
Osler came to McGill University in Montreal where he obtained his medical degree (MD,CM) in 1872.
Osler returned to McGill University as a professor in 1874.
I could understand why some professor quote Osler's words so often.
In Mexico, senior medical students work as Japanese junior resident.
They sleep only 1-2 hours on the night. All first call are come to student.
Therefore, they don't have enough time to study on their desk. They study on the job. They can do so many procedure, for example, intubation, inserting catheter, or appendectomy.
That'll teach me that my current hard work is only like internal bleeding.
Sorry, today I cannot extra time to make Japanese translation・・・