
day 9

I took part of neutropenic fever and cellulitis.

Neutropenic fever means immunocompromied condition and infection. Therefore, it is tough for student.
Almost cases are a long course. We have to review them.
More than one pathogen tend to infect one host. We have to cover broad to treat them.

Another case was relatively simple.
I thought it was mild cellulitis, because he was afebrile and his general condition was good.
I presumed a narrow antibiotic was best.
But, our chief resident concluded more broad one because his cellulitis was widely red, and there were fluid exudation.
I was showed that my clinical experience is almost 0.

Half of my Electives Program in Canada was ended.
I should attend and discuss more aggressively.
Japanese are relatively polite and hesitate. Maybe, this is because we are less confident to our conversation skill.
But, I think we respect this precious nationality.
I was too eager for compensation to my disadvantage for first week. I didn't fell any inferiority complex from second week.
Don't be too eager, take easy. Just do what I can do, and let's gradually increase what I can do.

Anyway, I tend to miss to eat lunch, and eat 17 or 18 o'clock. There is more interval between breakfast and lunch, and less between lunch and dinner. These eating habit isn't good for my health.
I should correct these habit in weekend.

Next Monday, I'll see a clinic.