
The end of the first week

Today was the end of the first week for my Elective Program. I thought that suddenly understanding the details of doctors' conversation was because my thought was gradually changed from Japanese to English. Therefore, I tried to write this blog in English again.

I was little hesitate to ask my questions. When I wanted to communicate with other staff, I had to say or hear twice. On the other hand, another Mexican student aggressively attend his observation.
This was because there are some barriers among me and other doctors.
Of course, the hugest one was a Language barrier. Other one was culture barrier, it means Japanese are tend to more hesitate and polite than other people in Western countries.

In my impression, there are so many patients who have C.difficle, MRSA, VRE, or other drug-resistance pathogens.
And there are huge unit of Emergency medicine and critical care.
In Japan, those region, Transplantation, Emergency medicine, Critical care, are weaker than other countries.
Transplantaiton, Critical care (especially burning treatment), and hemato-oncology become cause of drug-resistance pathogens.
In my opinion, our country should reinforcement Transplantaiton and Critical care in the near future. Therefore, there would be more demand more ID doctors.

An ID(Infectious Diseases) chief resident said us that, from next week, we should take charge of some patients.
I think this is good training for me, but from now I'm little anxiety about my capacity to do that.

After I finished my Elective program, I tried to come to one of libraries in M University. If I had gone to my accommodation, I would sleep because of my jetlag.
There were so many student although Friday evening. Almost all student did their task on their laptop or desktop computers. The atmosphere was so expansive and academic.

I wrote this article in the library.





