
Restriction to use native language

Until yesterday, I thought I shouldn't change my style as Japanese.
But I rethink that, because of the following article.

I'm now in Montreal society. I should adjust to their style.
We, Japanese have nationality which is rich context.
This means that we share many background. We don't need to discuss or explain a lot.
This is partly because Japan is island.
On the other hand, Canada is melting-pot. Their background is different. There is less common sense than our country. We should discuss or explain all things in detail.
I don't like to discuss aggressively , or to speak a lot. However, I try to adjust them.

For first, I try to use my native language in minimum, except sending e-mail to Japanese people.
Let's try to think, read, write, listen, and speak in English.

Anyway my parent taught me that they started to have another new corgi puppy.
I'm looking forward to meet him or her (I don't know why they started to have, and don't know even if the sex).

Tomorrow, I will visit Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal with another Mexican student.