

I had to follow up six patients.
On the way to the following, I was asked to assess the patient again, whom ID team looked until last week.
Usually in Japan, medical student doesn't take a part to so many patients.
Last January, I was trained at one of educational hospitals which are earnest about teaching medical students and young doctors.
I had a experience to manage time and divide my effort to patients there.

When I start to speak English, I come up with more suitable words. In the middle of the speaking, I tend to stop the sentence, and go back to the beginning.
It makes other people hard to listen my speaking. For them, my speaking is heard not as sentences but as words.
I should end the sentence, and add another sentence to explain the previous one. For example, "It means ---," or "I want to say ---"

It means I cannot afford to pay attention to making structure. It is my current limitation to find more suitable words in the situation.

I met another Japanese student in the hospital. I found her because she use Japanese Medical electrical dictionary.
I've never met Japanese since I arrived the airport in Montreal. In this city, when we see Asian people, almost all of them are Chinese.
It was first time to speak Japanese since last month.

In Tajikistan, one case of polio was confirmed.
It is difficult to eradicate one infectious diseases, and to keep the condition.

When we talk about medical educational system each other, every time I think Japanese system is too fuzzy to keep medical quality. In our country, it is depend on personal effort and motivation to keep, update, or improve skills as a doctor.